SES News

Date: August 12, 2022
Global Sensor Management Contract awarded to SES
SES, in partnership with Ticom, Tyto Athene, and Missions Essentials Intelligence Solutions (MEIS), was awarded the Global Sensor Management (GSM) Support contract as the Prime Contractor. The GSM Support contract provides Advisory and Assistance Support (A&AS) to the United States Space Command (USSPACECOM)/J31, Global Sensor Management Division. The GSM initiative provides A&AS to USSPACECOM and their supported Combatant Commands (CCMD), US European Command (USEUCOM), US Central Command (USCENTCOM), and U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM). SES and their sub-contractors will provide technical support to the GSM Division staff in the day-to- day functions, roles, and responsibilities of the GSM, as well as the Missile Warning Functional Manager’s Office (MW FMO). The GSM has responsibility for generating globally informed risk decisions and recommendations regarding sensor Command and Control (C2) and in the prioritization in the employment of assigned and unassigned Space Domain Awareness (SDA), Missile Warning (MW), and Missile Defense (MD) sensors in optimizing support of all mission areas, national priorities, and decision making. The MW FMO has responsibility for both the Theater Missile Warning (TMW) function of the Theater Event System (TES) and the Strategic Missile Warning (SMW) function of the Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment (ITW/AA). USSPACECOM shares ITW/AA Function Management Office (FMO) responsibility with the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). In addition, the GSM division supports providing Shared Early Warning (SEW) missile warning data to CCMD-sponsored partner nations. SEW is a sub-set of TMW. SES and our teammates look forward to continuing our twenty-year plus support to the MW FMO and the expanded GSM, SDA, and MD mission sets.